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What's been your most unexpectedly memorable travel experience, and why did it stand out among all your adventures?

I’ve been very fortunate enough to have many memorable travel experiences!! I would have to say the one that stands out most among all of my adventures is when I was charged by a White Rhino! I was in South Africa staying at the gorgeous Phinda Forest Lodge. We had gone out with our driver for the afternoon game drive and he asked us if we wanted to go on a trekking walk. I much preferred staying inside the vehicle for safety reasons, but the others in my group wanted to follow along the animal footprints in hopes of seeing an animal close up. I went along as I wasn’t going to stay in the jeep alone. Our driver had told us the day before how he had never had to use his rifle, and only idiots put you in situations where they might have to shoot the animals. As we are walking in a single file line, the tracker stops and motions to us that there is a White Rhino laying down in an old river ravine. We all stop and the next thing I know I see a LARGE White Rhino running right towards us. We are in thick bush and there is no tree for me to jump on or really anywhere to go for safety. The tracker is clapping, trying to scare the Rhino and the driver has loaded his rifle and is pointing it right at the rhino. They are an endangered animal and were also his favorite animal so I assumed he would turn around and shoot me before hurting the animal. Being from the Midwest I just ducked and went in to the tornado position they taught us in elementary. The Rhino came within a foot of us, I could smell his stinky breath. Apparently there had been a baby Rhino on the other side, but with my eyes being closed and terrified, I didn’t see it. Thankfully I survived and from then on out I always stayed inside the jeep during the drives.

If you could magically transport someone reading this to one destination you've visited, which one would it be and why?

Thailand! I have spent 4 days there in total, and hope to go back soon! It’s such a beautiful country and the people there are so friendly. You can stay in a city like Bangkok to explore or head up north to Chiang Mai which is in the mountains and near many elephant camps. I need to go back and visit some of their islands as I hear they are beautiful! Last thing, the food!! I love Thai food and being in the country with your favorite food is unlike anything else! I want everyone to be able to experience that!

Many travelers have a bucket list of destinations. What's one place you haven't been to yet that's at the very top of your list, and what draws you to it?

Previously it was NZ, but I was lucky enough to travel there in April. I guess now, I would have to say Bali! It looks beautiful and I like how diverse it is. I can go hiking on a volcano or snorkel in the ocean! I would love to learn more about the local culture and try their cuisine!

Traveling offers countless opportunities for breathtaking views. Can you describe a moment when you were truly awe-struck by the beauty of your surroundings?

I would have to say that my most recent vacation left me awe-struck. My husband and I booked a last-minute trip to New Zealand, and now he is talking about moving there. The South Island is breathtaking. We spent three days in Milford Sound which might be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. If you are there on a sunny day you are very lucky as it rains quite often. We were lucky enough to see both a sunny day with blue skies and then a rainy day which provided hundreds of more waterfalls coming down the fiords. We even got to kayak with a double rainbow! Queenstown is also breathtaking. Reminded me of Lake Tahoe, only in my opinion, better.

Many travelers have a favorite travel accessory or gadget that they swear by. What's one item you never leave home without, and how has it enhanced your travel experiences?

Because I am traveling a lot for work and always want to be able to take as many pictures as my heart desires, it would have to be my portable charger. My second favorite item is my peppermint oil! I get motion sickness a bit too often, and the peppermint oil helps a ton!


Best way to follow your future adventures? I share to my stories on Instagram at @Shelbyjoy89 !